Thank You To Our Donors!
2019 Hawfest Donors
Michelle Brown
Arlevia Carter
Michael Corbridge
Debbie Dalton
Lori Delamater
Allison Fritts
Chantal Howard
Denise Lodahl
Beth Okraski
Brooke Stark
Laurie Van Gelder
2018-19 Donors
Adriane Abrams
Sarah Bell
Tracy Black
Michelle Brown
Esther Dabney
Debbie Dalton
Noelle Galper
Ivette Gardner
Theresa Gohlke
Chantal Howard
Michelle Isaac
Scott Kreuzer
Kathy Layberger
Denise Lodahl
Lisa Murphy
Dwain Phelps
Michelle Vance
2017-18 Donors
Adriane Abrams
Becky Abrams
Sarah Bell
Michelle Brown
Amy Clark
Stacey Cressy
Jane Dunaway
Nicole Fields
Noelle Galper
Rosy Gonzalez
Lisa Hoover
Yvette Huff
Michelle Isaac
Kristen LaRocque
Wade Latham
Kathy Layberger
Alethea McGee
Pam Nix
Amanda Paulino
Philip & Kelly Plourde
Cathy Robinson
Christian Sherritt (Gifted Gear)
Michelle Vance
Previous Donors
Mr. Joe Boland
Ms. Elizabeth Bouis
Carol Bryan
Laurie Canning
Class of 2011
Class of 2012
Mr. John Cook
Mr. Claude Cooper
Dr. Debi Dalton
Mrs. Rachelle Denison
John Doolittle
Jim & Linda Evans
Coretta & Eddie Finnell
Coretta Shanta Finnell
Mrs. Mary Fortenberry
Ms. Beth Gallant
Mr. & Mrs. Delmer Groves
Lisa Gunn
Virgil Hammond
Mrs. Lewanda Hardy
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Hill
Mr. & Mrs. John Holt
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Holt
Megan Huss
Anne Jones
Catherine Faith Jones
Mike & Anne Jones
Leonard & Elaine Kowalewski
Kathy Layberger
Mr. Jim McCurdy
Ms. Susan Milam
Lisa Murphy
Carl & Kathryn Nichols, Crystal Creek Farm in honor of Dr. Hill’s
95th birthday
Mrs. Barbara Noggle
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Primiano
Teri Primiano
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rambo
Mr. John Rogers in memory of
Suzanne Rogers
Beckham Sawyer
Mr. Robert Shaw
Mr. Robert Smith
Mr. & Mrs. David Strickland
Mrs. Paula Strickland
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Stubbs
Nichole & Troy Thompson
Brent & Melanie Uken
Teodoro Vidal
Mrs. Nan Waters in memory of
Dean Cambron
Mrs. Leigh Anne Wauford
Lisa Willis
Dr. & Mrs. Chris Wizner
Beth Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wood
Burnt Hickory PTA
Coca-Cola (employee match)
Hardy Chevrolet
Hillgrove High School PTSA
Hillgrove Hydro Hawks
Booster Club
Powder Springs Business